Dispute Resolution

Dispute resolution is a legal process by which parties attempt to settle conflicts without going to court. The goal is to reach a mutually beneficial conclusion that does not compromise any party’s rights.
Parties should exhaust all possible solutions before filing a case in court. Dispute resolution can be less tedious, expensive, and time-consuming than a full-blown trial. Also, resorting to a lawsuit may permanently strain the parties’ relationship with each other.
Despite being a litigation law firm, Reserve Rights Attorneys, PC advocates dispute resolution. Our team works hard to provide our clients with the best legal solutions tailor-fit to their situations.

Practice Areas

You may consult Reserve Rights Attorneys, PC for the following concerns:

Drafting Communication Letters

Dispute resolution formally begins with exchanging correspondences between two parties. Reserve Rights Attorneys, PC have highly skilled legal writers who can communicate the client's intentions and grievances. We can create proposals facilitating a smoother transition for parties to resolve internal conflicts. Also, our team will draft timely responses to avoid complications and maintain good relations with the opposing parties.


Mediation is an informal dispute resolution whereby an impartial third party helps the disputing parties identify and resolve their issues. Notably, mediators are not private judges but mere facilitators. During mediation, our role is to provide guidance and legal knowledge. We will be keen on the other parties' proposals and critique their claims, so our clients can maximize their legal options.


Arbitration is a private dispute resolution procedure whereby a third party, an arbitrator, stands as a judge and decides over the parties' claims. Reserve Rights Attorneys, PC will attend arbitration proceedings with you and advocate for our causes. Our litigation lawyers will prepare your case, present evidentiary documents, and examine witnesses. We will ensure that you are well-represented and your claims well-substantiated.

Connect with us

When you require the services of qualified experts in business law, please know that Reserve Rights Attorneys is always here to provide you with legal guidance and support. Do not hesitate to get in touch with us so that we can start discussing the details of your case.